今天介紹一對本身沒有trademark的可愛四方珍珠耳環,金色的四面都有cc logo,珍珠光澤垂涎欲滴,搭配恰到好處❤
有時沒有trademark的作品,我們就需要靠平時CHANEL的做工、該正品的圖冊、過往銷售圖片去對比確定作品的真偽,因此進行採購背後絕不倚賴單一平台Today we would like to recommend a pair of cute cube pearl earrings without trademark. The gold cube has CC logo on four lateral faces and the lustre of the pearls is attractive. The matching is just right❤
Sometimes there are no trademarked works, so we are based on the regular CHANEL workmanship, the picture album of authentic product, and past sales pictures to compare and determine the authenticity of the work. Therefore, we’re never based on a single platform before purchasing.
Chanel Vintage 02仿珍珠金色四方cc垂墜式耳針